Cornerstone Patch Summer Social Work Parties
The Patch is open Fridays and Saturdays with Bel for Community Sessions. Friday afternoons from 12.30pm to 4pm, and Saturday Socials 10.30am to 1pm. If you want access for individual growing you can be a keyholder.
Bournemouth Repair Café @ The Power House Hub
After a successful first hosting of Bournemouth Repair Café, we are delighted they want to continue holding sessions at our hub.
Dates for this year 25th January and 17th May.
Arrive early to ensure your repair can be booked in.
Creative Wellbeing Sessions
Thanks to Dorset Community Foundation and NHS Dorset we are delighted to be able to have Rachel Huggett back with us to lead Creative Wellbeing courses designed by her.
Due to illness, the first 8 week course starts Thursday 9th January. A second course starting mid March, date to be confirmed.
Come join us for 2 1/2 hours of beautiful and peaceful creative time, that will also give you techniques to use in your daily life.
Booking essential: hello@thepowerhousepoole.org
Warm Hub Volunteers Needed
Now hub construction is underway, we have finalised dates for our Warm Hub project. Tuesdays starting 4th February, Thursdays starting 20th February, Fridays 28th February and 28th March, and Saturdays 8th February and 8th March.
Two more Saturdays with Bel are being booked in. Connecting Cornerstone Patch and our new hub. Watch this space for confirmation.
RSVP: hello@thepowerhousepoole.org
Tuesdays starting 4th February, Thursdays starting 20th February, Fridays 28th February and 28th March, and Saturdays 8th February and 8th March.
Weekly Arts & Crafts Drop-In for Adults & Children
Sessions run by amazing volunteers. Bring your own activity or have a play with our materials. Thrivers are making items to sell at our first Christmas Fayre. We run through school holidays usually, children welcome, but we are closed for 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year.
Photography Course
Led by John Hagan.
John’s first group of participants are now ready to go out and about to take photos. John is now offering to hold another course for more to access. We are looking at other days and times.
If you are interested, but cannot do a Tuesday afternoon, please email hello@thepowerhousepoole.org and let us know any preferred days and times.
Tuesdays Open House
We are so pleased to be able to open all day Tuesdays. You are welcome to pop in for a cuppa for a donation, whether attending a session or not. Avril, Penny, and Alix would love to meet you and find out what you would like to see happening in The Power House Hub.
Hamworthy Children’s Choir is now on hold until Easter 2025.