Maureen has lived in Poole for almost thirty years. Currently, focusing on her own creative projects and supporting local cultural, access and wellbeing initiatives that benefit the community and visitors. In 2021, she was curator for the first ever Open Art Exhibition at Lighthouse, Poole for The Power House.
Apart from being a passionate artist, Maureen has worked in some diverse jobs that include being a graphic designer and illustrator for Brecon Beacons National Park, Haymarket Publishers and at Wandsworth and Southwark councils and as a Medical Artist at Guy’s Hospital.
Once she started working with more charities she realised she could easily combine my interests more holistically with my work. As a project manager. Maureen enjoyed delivering heritage, arts, cultural and natural environment projects and installations for the National Trust, RNLI, and English Heritage, and was fortunate to have some lovely work environments in historic buildings and museums, as well as visiting them as a freelance consultant and general punter!
Some of Maureen’s key work has included the delivery of the Grace Darling Museum, the Henry Blogg Museum, exhibitions at St. Barbe Museum and Art Gallery, and museums in London plus public art projects in the grounds of Lacock Abbey, and the RNLI National Memorial in Poole.
As an artist she also trained as an art teacher, and over the years have illustrated many publications, interpretation panels and led workshops and training sessions for various organisations, and occasionally find time to exhibit in exhibitions.
Maureen is an AMA (Associate of the Museums Association) and ex-trustee and events co-ordinator for the AHI (Association of Heritage Interpretation) and has held other trustee positions that include local connections such as with South West Federation of Museums and the EXplora Science project (Poole). As a member of Poole Printmakers Co-operative you can see examples of Maureen’s creative work through them.