Our Vision


We intend to create a beautiful, inspiring and supportive place where residents of Poole can commune, connect, create and contribute.


Our vision is to construct a landmark quayside building on the former power station site in Poole’s Regeneration Area.

The Power House will incorporate community, arts and wellbeing facilities, and be designed to meet the needs of citizens of Poole in the 21st century. Housing will be created on the upper floors of the building in collaboration with a housing provider. We aim to work with developers to integrate The Power House and its values within the emergent community on adjacent development sites.


Community cohesion


The Power House will be accessible to all.

Its scale and prominence will enable The Power House to become an engine for community cohesion. It will provide opportunities for people to meet, socialise and work with other residents of Poole from a wide range of backgrounds. It will promote creativity, volunteering and civic responsibility, and encourage people to develop skills and use them for the benefit of Poole and its citizens.


Improving wellbeing, developing skills and helping people to find appropriate roles in life are central objectives of The Power House as strong communities are founded upon healthy and effective individuals.

The Power House will help to animate the Regeneration Area by providing a quayside café and art gallery. It will also provide spaces for artists and other small businesses to market their products to residents and visitors.


The Power House Poole’s Prospectus

If you would like to find out more about The Power House Poole, then please click on the image opposite to download our prospectus, which details our vision, themes and values, as well as outlining collaborations, business model, governance and inspirations.