Paintings By The Prom: Hamworthy Beach Huts Art Murals Project

Photo: Simon Matthews’ Beach Hut Photo Credit: Simon Matthews

We have been engaging with Hamworthy resident Simon Matthews who is leading a community project to curate and install murals on 30 of Hamworthy Beach’s iconic beach huts. Simon and his family have owned a beach hut on Hamworthy Beach for 50 years.

Local artists selected by a Selection Panel consisting of local people to create murals to be installed on the rear of the beach huts. The project as a whole led by local people and organisations, and with engagement and advice from BCP Council Officers and ward Councillors.

Each mural following one of five themes celebrating history of Hamworthy, maritime , wellbeing, the environment, and social justice … the power of this project to bring local and wider BCP area residents and organisations together is phenomenal. We haven’t heard one negative comment, and that says a lot!

Simon leads with an application to Arts Council England and an application for planning permission, having obtained many statements of support, sponsorship, donations, and in kind support from the community.

A community led project, celebrating and showcasing local artistic and creative talent and a local asset and gem of the BCP area.

Statements of support are listed below along with some comments on social media from the community, and visualisations of the murals.

Alix Digby-West